Running On No Fuel Part 1: Engaging Your Primary Motivator

By Travis Holt | June 5, 2017


You've done all the right things, but still you hear nothing — no calls, email responses, not even the slightest hint that you are even being considered for the positions you've applied. All you have received at this point is the auto-reply from websites as a result of submitting your online application and uploading your resume. You've been through this time and time again and still the same result — nothing.

You are at the end of the rope and are almost willing to accept anything without consideration of:

  • All the years of education, certifications and licenses you obtained.
  • The tons of references just waiting to give you rave reviews.
  • The number of networking or professional organizations you are associated with as a active member.
  • The number of volunteer hours you accumulated in the name of charity.
  • Related experience in previous job positions.

And then it happens. You get a call from a recruiter that ran across your resume on line and would like to bring you in for a face-to-face interview. You both agree on a designated time and place for the interview, as you simultaneously enter it into your calendar.

You immediately go into interview prep mode. You grab the updated Job Description for which the recruiter sent you. After reviewing the Job Requirements in detail you prepare some hypothetical interview questions and tirelessly practice your responses in the mirror.

The night before the interview arrives. You break out your best interview attire, print multiple copies of your resume, just to be sure you have enough for the recruiter and anyone else that may participate. You decide to head to bed early so you'll be good and rested for your interview.

You wake up early before your alarm goes off and proceed to go through your normal routine - shower, get dressed, grab a bite to eat and head out the door on the way to the interview. You arrive 30 mins early. You check in with the receptionist. After using the restroom to make sure you are still professionally presentable, you return back to the receptionist's area in anticipation of being called in for your interview.

The interview starts right on time. You walk in, and with a firm handshake, introduce yourself to the recruiter and before sitting, hand the recruiter an updated copy of your resume.

The interview goes extremely well. The recruiter thanks you for your time and tells you he'll give you a call when he is able to setup a second interview with the Hiring Manager for the job in which you are applying.

The recruiter contacts you to inform you of the time and location of the second interview with the Hiring Manager along with a couple of team members. After more interview prep, the interview proceeds as plan. The Hiring Manager as well as teammates are extremely impressed with you. The manager informs you that he'll get in touch with the recruiter within a week, as soon as a decision is made.

Because you've been here before and understand very well the sting of disappointment, you temper your enthusiasm and proceed with cautious optimism. But you still can't help to feel embolden with how well this has gone thus far. A week goes by, then two. You decide to contact the recruiter yourself to see if you missed his call or didn't get an email he may have sent. You get his voicemail which you leave your number but never get a call back. Then, you send a follow-up email explaining you were wanting to touch base on the status of the interview process to see if the Hiring Manager had made a decision on the position.

Another week passes and still nothing. You finally get a response from the recruiter at the end of the third week, stating that the Hiring Manager contacted the recruiter and they have decided to promote someone from within. The recruiter informs you that the Hiring Manager and team enjoyed the discussion you had during the interview.

The recruiter then drops the ultimate line on you,

"Hey, I'm sorry this didn't work out for you, but we'll keep your resume on file and will contact you if anything else comes up. Thank you."

The sting of disappointment seems to hurt less and less each time because that area of your soul almost doesn't feel anymore. There is no need to let family or friends know of the "big news" because you had decided before the interview process that you wouldn't let anyone know in case you didn't get the job. You say to yourself, "Atleast, you did get that one right." There is no need to disappoint anyone other than yourself.

For some people the aforementioned story has unfortunately replayed over and over again in their lives for months and even years in their pursuit of Employment. Feelings of let down and discouragement become the status quo taking a toll on their self-esteem and affecting all areas of their lives. They begin to settle for less and accept things with the mindset that this is the way things are for them and there is nothing they can do about it. They may have classmates, friends, family, or former co-workers that seem to apply and get hired for any position they want with the slightest of effort compared to theirs.

If you are experiencing or have experienced some of the things described and feel as though no matter how many "right" or "wrong" things you do, things just aren't going to change, I encourage you to dig deeper. Dig deeper and reflect on why you set out for employment in the first place. What is your purpose behind wanting to obtain a position compatible with your background, experience and education? What is your primary motivator? Is it something you feel you are supposed to do? Are you doing it to better your life as well as your loved ones lives from a financial standpoint? Whatever it is, I advise you to identify it, lock in on it and ask yourself one thing. Is it worth it?

Up Next... Running On No Fuel Part 2: Overcoming Road Blocks


Job Interview
Cautious Optimism
Settle For Less

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